

Hybrid: of mixed origins
Community Art
Sample Call to Artists



Hybrid: of mixed origins

TEMPLATES for Activism proposes a new Community Arts model that carries the voice and language of art to a plurality of concerns expressed by the feminist law community.

This process-oriented venture aims to build new alliances and modes of production. It also aims to marry the skills, tools and activisms of two visionary sets of workers: one based in text, one based in visuals and symbolism - yet both informed by women's real, lived experience.

"Increasingly as the law has been interpreted by feminist [particularly post modern] scholars the differences between the two disciplines begin to collapse. Law emerges as deeply subjective, permeated with mysticism, exclusionary, having many layers of meaning and located in the field of possibility - in the sense that we wonder what it would look like if it incorporated a multiplicity of voices." ...

"Are there overlaps? Yes there are.... in terms of the subjects which fall under the spot light of the two disciplines - even if the treatment looks very different."
Julia Tolmie, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Auckland, N.Z. [see also ‘Art and Law’]

Yes, the appearances of ideas found on the tables of law will assuredly be quite different when expressed through creative means. These symbolic, material expressions offer new angles to view what law is and does, to view how it touches our lives, and, in particular, the many ways that it relates to the production and reproduction of gendered power relations and how law affects other subordinated groups. Throughout history we have seen how art may speak where words fall silent. Did the "Wake up" call referred to by artist, Kathy Gillis sound for those who visited this show?

"Transformation implies connecting".
Ellen Dissanayake , Independent Scholar

The ideas put forth by Ellen Dissanayake speak to many contemporary creators at this time. Synthesizing knowledge from anthropology, ethology, developmental and cognitive psychology and philosophy, she views the production of art as a "biologically endowed" survival tool. This act of "making special" is humanity's strategy for drawing attention to matters of vital import.


The following is a sample of a "Call to Artists" distributed to universities, museums, arts, cultural and indigenous centres around the National Capital region during the summer of 2001 for the second Template. Special thanks to Laura Margita of SAW Gallery for initial consultations and to NAWL’s members for planning vision all along the way.

Sample Call to Artists:
T E M P L A T E S for Activism

A long range collaborative project that shapes a new interdisciplinary terrain by bringing together members of contemporary art and feminist law communities.

This is a multi-part invitation to visual artists whose work is based in activist and/or women centered issues and who may have an interest in collaborative

Submission date: July 10, 2001

Visual artists working in any medium are invited to submit slide or VHS samples of their work for inclusion in the 2002 biennial conference of the National Association of Women and the Law www.nawl.ca , which will be held in Ottawa next winter. The theme of the conference is "Women, the Family and the State".

Cultural components will be integrated with the conference in a variety of ways including a gallery exhibition and other art actions. Documentation and fees to artists are foreseen. Possibilities for continued involvement in the project are open and flexible.

For more information on the "Templates for Activism" project, the conference and submission information e-mail c.j. fleury

Appel aux artistes:

M O D E L E S pour l' Activisme

Une collaboration à long terme qui construit un nouveau terrain interdisciplinaire en rapprochant des membres de la communauté artistique et des membres de différents mouvements s'intéressant aux rapports entre les femmes et le droit.

Il s'agit d'une invitation multi-arts aux artistes visuels dont l'oeuvre est basée sur l'activisme social et / ou la problématique féministe et que le processus collaboratif intéresse.

Date limite: 10 juillet

Les artistes visuels travaillant dans tous les médias sont invités à soumettre des échantillons de leurs oeuvres sur diapositives ou cassettes VHS afin de les inclure dans la conférence biennale de L' association nationale de la femme et du droit, www.anfd.ca qui se tiendra à Ottawa l'hiver prochain. Le thème de la conférence sera "Femmes, Famille et l'Etat".

Les composantes culturelles seront intégrées à la conférence de multiples façons, incluant une exposition des oeuvres. De la documentation et des cachets aux artistes sont envisagés. Les possibilités d'un engagement continu dans le projet sont ouverts et flexibles.

Pour plus de renseignements sur le projet "Modèles pour l'Activisme", la conférence ou encore la soumission de projets:
c.j. fleury

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© 2002 Templates for Activism
c.j. fleury
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