Cultural, Educational, Business, Civic and Environmental sectors
cj has been invited to present her ideas and experiences through art, civic, environmental, justice and legal symposiums, arts councils, universities and museums, including the Art Gallery of Ontario, the National Gallery of Canada and Nottingham-Trent University (UK). She has lectured in the contexts of art, activism, law, women’s studies, social sciences, and labour.
Her expertise has been sought by interdisciplinary arts juries, and for pilot projects, at city, provincial and national levels.
Selected Bibliography:
/Books & Catalogues
2025 In Granite and Bronze: A Critical Guide to the Monuments of Canada’s National Capital, Tonya K. Davidson, David Deans, eds; McGill-Queen’s University Press
2024 Tours Inside the Snow Globe: Ottawa Monuments and National Belonging,, Tonya K. Davidson, Wilfred Laurier University Press
2011 Affirming Collaboration: Community and Humanist Activist Art in Québec and Elsewhere,
book, Eds. Devorah Neumark, Johanne Chamgnon, p. 40, 47 photo
2006 Remembering Women Murdered By Men: Memorials Across Canada, The Cultural Memory Group, Sumach Press, Toronto
2005 Artists Directory for Union Collaborations, ed. Donald Monet, Ottawa
2002 Canada Council Annual Report, colourplate, p.13 (project during Templates research phase) Bridging Visions Exhibition catalogue, ed.cj fleury, City of Ottawa
1999 Making Our Mark, Labour Arts in Ontario Jude Johnson & Karl Beveridge, p. 63-64, colourplate p.6
1998 Community Arts Workbook ed., Angela Lee, Ontario Arts Council, p.46-48, 54
/ MA, M Sociology, PhD Theses
2011 Stone Bodies in the City:(Un)Mapping Monuments, Memory and Belonging in Ottawa. Tonya Davidson, PhD Thesis, Univ of Alberta
2006 The Social World Reversed: Towards a Sociology of Activist Community Arts Practices. Sheryl Peters, M Sociology, Carleton
2001 Commemorating the Montreal Massacre: Marker for Change and other monuments dedicated to victims of violence against women , Annik Casey (Research Paper)
1999 More People than Materials or Techniques : The Community Based Public Art of c.j. fleury, Kimberly Lulashnyk, MA Thesis, Carleton
1999 Transforming & Healing Communities through Art: An Analysis of Community Based Art In Canada, Elizabeth Orton. MA Thesis, Carleton
/ Magazine & Journal Articles
2020 Placemaking and Inclusion with cj fleury, Lauren Eisen, ON Culture Guides
Multimedia artist and cultural researcher cj fleury_Jessica Ruano, Apt 613, Ottawa
AiR Bruyère in Complex Care Ria Links: Salon in the Cloud #1, video-Bruyere
2019 Bruyère launches Artist-in-Residence Program with a pilot at Saint-Vincent Hospital
2018 Narratives of National Belonging at Ottawa Monuments: The Canadian Tribute to Human Rights and Enclave: The Women’s Monument, Tonya Davidson. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies V.36, p.99–126, U of Toronto Press
On the Margins: Experimental Film/Video Practices, Penny McCann, Àdisòkàmagan, Ottawa Art Gallery
Gone by Maura Doyle, through Arts Court. Artist publication with walking tours.
2015 Contemporary Indian Dance, Studies in International Performance by Ketu Katrak, Palgrave Macmillan, UK. (p.5) White Space (set for Natasha Bakht, World premier- Centre Pierre-Péladeau, Mtrl)
2013 “Chains of Love”, Misa Kobayashi. Ottawa Magazine-Interiors
2011 “Parks and Place Making”. Linda Irvine & Fung Lee. Ground 13, Ontario Association of Landscape Architects
2008 “Artfully Engaging Communities.” L.Irvine, Landscapes/Paysages, CSLA, p 24-26
2005 “Networks of Memory: Feminist Memorials in Canadian Cities,” C.Bold, R.Knowles, B.Leach, Art Gal.of Hamilton
2003 “Contemporary Art and Feminist Law: Beyond Myths, Disciplines and Oceans”, SOLON, UK cjfleury
2002 “Co-creative Models of Art and Feminist Law in the Templates for Activism Project”, n.paradoxa, London, UK , ed.Katy Deepwell, cj fleury, p.89-93
“Bridging Visions of Art and Law for Women, the Family and the State”, Jurrisfemme, V.21 No.2, National Association of Women and the Law, Ottawa, cj fleury, p.15-16
A shared Creative Experience; Talking community arts with cj fleury, Sherry Telenko ARTSON,
Community Arts Ontario
1999 “A Feminine Neo-Baroque”, Artfocus, Fall #67, Toronto, Elizabeth Fearon, p.8
1998 “The Transformative Gesture”, Item, Octobre, Université du Québec à Montrèal, c.j.fleury, p.8
1996 “The Mechanics of Gauging a Trade”, Sculpture Magazine, International Sculpture Center, Washington, D.C, Mar., p.12-13
“The work of art: Ideas in Action”, This Magazine, Toronto, Petra Halkes, July/August, p.43
1993 “First Mourn…then work for change”, Vis-à-Vis, Can. Council for Social Development, 11(2), , October, Donna Johnson, P.5-6, cover