Activist Monument Against Violence

Enclave: Women’s Monument Against Violence, Minto Park, Ottawa

Enclave: Women's Monument Agaist Violence

Created with Mary Leigh Faught, Landscape Architect, OALA, CSLA.
Direct commission to create a monument of homage to women abused and murdered by men in Canada’s National Capital Region.
Initiated by the Women’s Urgent Action, many of whom work closely with abused women in shelters and the court system.
Unveiled Dec 6, 1992, Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

Additional information about Enclave is found in: books, articles, MA and PhD theses.  A selected list follows:

  • 2024 Tours Inside the Snow Globe: Ottawa Monuments and National Belonging, Tonya K. Davidson
    Monuments series: Enclave  Sociologist Tonya Davidson guides us in the story of Enclave: The Ottawa Women’s Monument. CBC Radio 7:46
  • 2011    Stone Bodies in the City:(Un)Mapping Monuments, Memory and Belonging in Ottawa. Tonya Davidson, PhD Thesis, Univ of Alberta
  • 2006    Put our loved ones’ names on women’s memorial. Susan Mohammed, Ottawa Citizen. Article + pictures.
  • 2005    Networks of Memory: Feminist Memorials in Canadian Cities.  Cultural Memory Group, Hamilton Art Gallery. Book + pictures.
  • 2001    Commemorating the Montreal Massacre: Marker for Change and other monuments dedicated to victims of violence against women. Annik Casey, MA Thesis, Carleton U.
  • 1999    More People than Materials or Techniques: The Community Based Public Art of c.j. fleury. Kimberly Lulashnyk, MA Thesis, Carleton U
  • Transforming & Healing Communities through Art: An Analysis of Community Based Art In Canada. Elizabeth Orton, MA Thesis, Carleton U
  • The Ottawa Women’s MonumentCitizen Shift, Media for Social Change. Christine McDowel.
  • 1993    First Mourn…then work for change. Vis-à-Vis, Can.Council for Social Development, 11(2), Oct.  Donna Johnson, Article + pictures.